Our Mission

Our Order's mission is to serve humanity by assisting individuals in the development of illuminated consciousness through ​the preservation and promulgation of the lineage and teachings of  the  Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (1888–1903), the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha and Omega (1901–1939) and the Stella Matutina (1903–1972). 

 About the Order

  • The Hermetic Order of the Noble Serpent was granted a charter to operate an Order in the Golden Dawn tradition by a 7=4 Adeptus Exemptus member of another Golden Dawn Order in 2015. This charter, and the Golden Dawn and Rosicrucian lineages it represents, was granted based on the founders of the H.O.N.S. having been initiated into the required Adept grades of the Order and having done the spiritual work which was required to become initiated as Adepts of the Golden Dawn tradition.

  • While keeping intact the symbolism and praxis of the historical Golden Dawn rituals, our Order has also recognized that the consciousness of humanity evolves over time. Therefore, we have reformed the structure of the Outer Order curriculum to gradually introduce ritual magick that was once reserved for the Inner Order of the Golden Dawn, the Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis (R.R. et A.C.). In our outer Order, the elemental or microcosmic forces are invoked as part of the curriculum of the initiatory grade to which their symbolism corresponds. The invocation of the celestial or macrocosmic forces is still reserved for the Inner Order.

  • Our Order is governed by a triumvirate of Chiefs which includes an Imperator, who administrates the regulations of the Order, a Praemonstrator, who administrates the teaching and curriculum of the Order, and a Cancellarius who administrates the communications with prospective candidates and manages the archives. The role of the Chiefs is to ensure that the mission of the Order is maintained. It is neither the right nor the desire of Order leadership to govern or interfere with the personal lives of members.​

  • It is expected that members of the Order actively participate in the Golden Dawn system of theurgy to the best of their abilities. We are a Mystery School with a comprehensive curriculum that requires members to submit reports to their assigned teacher on a monthly basis regarding their studies and practice of ceremonial magic. We maintain high standards in the teaching and training of our initiates, including requirements for progression to more advanced initiatory grades through the taking of written as well as practical examinations. We also require physical attendance at our Mother Temple on a monthly basis. Therefore, we are primarily a local Temple. However, anyone outside of the region can also apply if they are willing to travel to Michigan for their initiation(s) and for attendance at temple meetings at least four times a year.

  • Our Order is a meritocracy and advancement is based on competency in ceremonial magic. Therefore, admission and advancement in the Order are not based on superficial personality differences, race, national origin, sex, gender, religion, political party, sexual preference, economic class, style of dress or judgments of an individual’s attractiveness. We do require, however, belief in some form of a Higher Power or Powers. It should be noted that, for the disabled, we will make as many accomodations as possible but we are sadly not wheelchair accessible. Candidates should be intellectually proficient enough to handle study, essay and journal writing as well as ritual and meditation practices. Walking aids such as a cane are permitted. Please note that standing, walking and sitting are required during temple meetings. Members should be able to read, speak, and write in the English language. Members also should have either decent eyesight and hearing, or be wearing the appropriate glasses, contacts or hearing aides.

  • Initiates are expected to uphold the sanctity of our oaths, and in particular to uphold the sacred principles of silence, with particular care being taken to maintain a semi-public profile where the existence of the Temple may be generally known, either locally or online, but where its activities, places of meeting, documentation and membership roll is kept completely confidential. The oaths of our Order do not contain any conditions which are contrary to civil, ethical or religious obligations.​

  • All members are obliged to take collective responsibility for the Order. This includes the payment of dues. However, we are not a for profit business and dues go only to operating costs. Yearly dues are currently $50 and initiation fees are $50 per initiation. Annual dues are not rendered until after one has been a member for a period of a year, after which time they become due at the Spring Equinox. In the case of Order members in extreme financial distress, we handle dues payment arrangements on a case-by-case basis. 

  • We expect all members to respect the Temple, other members and themselves enough to refrain from the use of illicit drugs before coming to the Temple and while on the premises. However, prescribed medications are permitted. We do our best to maintain safety for all members and to foster harmony in the environment. Illegal drugs can be dangerous for all involved and may compromise members’ safety, as well as interrupt our rites.

  • Our Order preserves the Hermetic tradition and specifically the Golden Dawn system of theurgy by refraining from the following: the commercialization and aggressive marketing of occult teachings, black magick, “flame wars”, ego based competition with and/or disparaging of other occult Orders, self-initiation, serial initiation (i.e. the initiation of multiple candidates simultaneously), astral initiation, online initiation, mixing the official Golden Dawn Temple work or curriculum with other esoteric traditions, or by making the Golden Dawn system the agent of any particular religious faith, political party or ideology.

